How do I pay?
When you click the item link in the email you will be directed to our product page. It's here you can save the item to your cart or complete your purchase. You have the option to pay via PayPal or credit card using our safe and secure check-out page.
How do I receive the item?
All items are shipped as quickly as possible. Because we do work with different suppliers, shipping dates may vary. It is our goal to get you your item as quickly as possible. Please allow 6-30 business days to receive your package.
Why is shipping taking so long?
Please be patient, most of our items are shipped internationally, and because we offer free shipping, sometimes this means slower than average wait times.
How much does shipping cost?
Free shipping to USA (lower 48).
$5 flat fee shipping to Canada.
How can I track my parcel?
After your item is fulfilled we will automatically send you a tracking number. Please note that tracking numbers are complimentary and on some products, we will not be able to provide a tracking number.
My tracking number doesn't work...?
If your tracking number does not work right away, please wait a few days, sometimes the tracking number does not register until it is scanned by USPS or Canada post in the destination country.
My parcel was not delivered...now what?
Please go to your nearest post office and open a ticket with the tracking number provided. They will be able to assist you with a lost parcel.
How can I return my item?
Please check out our return policy page. If you are unhappy with your product, please contact us and return your item. Once we receive the returned item we will refund your money, minus an administrative fee.
Questions? Love notes?
Email us with any questions, we'd love to hear from you!

Kalyn & co.
meet our founder